成立於1999年的GOLDLIFE研發中心,其研發技術一直是與時俱進。目前本中心擁有一支高學歷,高能力的研發團隊,包括QA、QC 小組。另外我們還擁有數個無菌實驗室,個個都配有最先進的實驗器材,包括電子顯微鏡、電子天平、真空乾燥箱、恆溫培養箱等。
Since its establishment in 1999, the Goldlife R&D center is improving from time to time. Currently the center consist a well-educated R&D group with brilliant effort in work. We also have several GMP laboratories equipped with the latest technology, including electron microscope, electron scale, vacuum dryer and constant temperature incubator.
Adam Lansing, Ph.D.
二十年來,Adam Lansing博士致力於研究不同藥物的屬性和作用,在這一方面做出了許多卓越貢獻。他曾多次獲得專業領域裏的獎項,是同行中傑出的專家。從2006年起,他擔任GOLDLIFE藥理小組組長。在他的帶領下,GOLDLIFE的新產品安全性和有效性大大提高。
For two decades, Dr. Adam Lansing is a researcher of medical usage, and made many achievements. He was honored many times and is widely respected among his field. In 2006 he was named director of Goldlife medical R&D center. Since then our products improved greatly.
Elizabeth Berkley, Ph.D.
在生物化學界,Elizabeth Berkley博士已被公認為該領域中的明日之星。自從在GOLDLIFE任職后,她的獨到視野在GOLDLIFE近年來對產品作出的重大調整中有舉足輕重的作用。在她的帶領和建議下,GOLDLIFE 的補充劑等產品得以更符合現代人的生活方式,在市場上也更受歡迎。
Dr. Elizabeth Berkley was widely considered the expert in the field of biochemistry. She was one of the chief architects in Goldlife’s recent change of direction in its products. Goldlife’s products, like dietary supplements, become more suited to the modern way of life and more successful in market.
Howard Casey, Jr
在統計數學領域中,Howard Casey 教授是無人不知的人物。他作爲我們的數據統計分析部名譽顧問,對公司提出了許多寶貴的意見,使我們在產品研發上更符合科學和市場規律,結構上也更合理,他更對公司產品的質量安全檢查做出了重大貢獻。
Professor Howard Casey, Jr is a distinguished scholar in the world of statistics. As our honorable advisor of department of data processing, he has greatly helped in the company’s research in better and safer products, as well as a reasonable manufacturing process.
Alessandra Estavez
作爲本公司研發團隊最年輕的成員,Alessandra Estavez小姐是Adam Lansing博士的得力助手。她目前正在本公司進行博士後研究。她將許多最新的藥理科學理念帶入公司,本公司研發團隊的成員對她都有高度評價。
Miss Alessandra Estavez is the youngest member of the R&D center, and an assistant of Dr. Lansing. She’s currently doing her postdoctoral research in our company. She has brought many fresh new ideas in our company, and is highly praised by her colleagues.
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